X5GON Discovery

Search and find materials from all over the world

Suggested queries:Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Support Vector Machine/Climate Change

Why is this search different?

The material search enables anyone to search through the indexed OER sites that are connected in our network via our Connect service and API, a library developed for acquiring behaviour data. The material search functionality is cross-lingual and functions as a Recommendation Engine.

The materials shown currently are text, video and audio which we have enriched through Wikification and stored into a database that contains data about user activities in the OER sites that integrated our Connect Service.

This search consists of four major components – the database, ingesting and processing pipeline, services and platform API – each employed to perform a separate task for three types of OER materials; text, video and audio.

  • Search video, audio, text
  • Results are cross-lingual
  • Wikification of concepts
  • View as Recommendation Engine
  • Materials from connected OER sites
  • Enjoy and dig deep!